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Protocols for Students in K-12 School Settings 

K-12 Guidance 2021-2022 School Year ( 

This protocol aligns with CDPH School Guidance dated 7/12/2021 and updated on 11/24/2021.  K-12 Guidance 2021 - 22 School Year ( For details on frequently asked questions including the requirement for masking in K-12 public and private schools see K-12  School Guidance 2021-2022 Q&A.  K-12 Schools Guidance 2021-2022 Questions & Answers ( 




Exposed, fully vaccinated students may continue going to school so long as they remain asymptomatic. They must continue to mask  while indoors and adhere to other non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., handwashing, optimize ventilation) 

• If exposed student is asymptomatic and decides to test, testing is recommended on or after day 5 from exposure date.  • If exposed student becomes symptomatic, exclude from school, isolate, and recommend testing. Testing can be completed  at the onset of symptoms. If test is positive, student must follow protocol for POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST in this document.  • For more information, please refer to “Duration of Quarantine for Vaccinated or Previously Infected Persons” CDPH  guidance. Guidance on Isolation and Quarantine for COVID-19 Contact Tracing (  


Testing can be completed at the onset of symptoms. While test is pending continue home isolation.  

Exposed to Confirmed Positive COVID-19 Case 

If new symptoms develop after exposure: send home, instruct to isolate, and recommend testing.  Notify School Health Office immediately and share test results. 

  • While exposed student COVID-19 test is pending, they must continue 10-day home isolation  
  • If exposed student test is positive: exposed student must continue isolation and follow protocol for POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST.  
  • If exposed student test is negative: exposed student can follow one of the following quarantine options below in this section. 

NOTE: If an exposed student is fully vaccinated and has remaining symptoms from a previous COVID-19 infection or an underlying health condition, an individualized assessment is needed to determine if exposed student must isolate.  


1. Quarantine can end after Day 10 from the date of last exposure if student decides not to test AND student symptoms improve and is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. 


2. Quarantine can end after Day 7 if a test is collected on or after Day 5 from the date of last exposure and the test is negative AND staff symptoms improve and is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. 

NOTE: If a school/district does not elect a shortened quarantine (test on or after day 5 and return after day 7) OR if exposed student refuses to test, a 10-day quarantine must be completed. 

Exposed to Presumed Positive Case (PPC) 

If new symptoms develop after exposure: send home, instruct to isolate, and recommend testing.  

• While PPC test result is pending, exposed student must continue home isolation.  

• If PPC test is positive, exposed student must: follow EXPOSED TO CONFIRMED POSITIVE COVID-19 CASE in the section  above.  

• If PPC test is negative and exposed student’s symptoms improve they may be released from isolation and return to school if symptoms improve and is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.  • If PPC test is negative and exposed student continue to be symptomatic with no symptom improvement, they must  continue to be excluded from school. An exposed student may be released from isolation and return to school if: COVID-19  test result is negative, and student symptoms have improved AND is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever  reducing medications; OR a healthcare provider has provided documentation that the symptoms are typical of their  underlying chronic condition; OR a healthcare provider has confirmed an alternative diagnosis; OR at least 10 days have  passed since symptom onset.  

Student must continue to mask while indoors, continue daily self-monitoring for symptoms, and adhere to other non pharmaceutical interventions through day 14 from last known exposure. 

⮚ EXPOSED – ASYMPTOMATIC – NOT FULLY VACCINATED  (and has not tested positive for COVID-19 within 90 days prior to the new, recent exposure) 

Exposed to Confirmed Positive COVID-19 Case - Send home, instruct to isolate, and recommend testing.  

  • While exposed student COVID-19 test is pending, exposed student must continue home quarantine  • If exposed student test is positive: exposed student must continue isolation and follow protocol for POSITIVE COVID-19  TEST.  
  • If exposed student test is negative: exposed student can follow one of the following quarantine options below in this  section. 
  • For more information, please refer to the Quarantine section of the K-12 School Guidance 2021-2022 Q&A. K-12 Schools  Guidance 2021-2022 Questions & Answers ( 


If both persons (case and contact) were wearing a mask in a school setting (indoor, outdoor, and school buses), students may remain in in-person instruction undergo              modified quarantine if all conditions are met. 

  • Continue to mask 
  • Remain asymptomatic 
  • Undergo testing at least twice weekly 

                   I. PCR or Antigen testing should be done immediately upon notification of exposure. Note: the initial and subsequent tests should occur at least 3 days apart.  

  • Student must be excluded from all extracurricular activities at school, including sports and any community activities. 

Modified quarantine can end after Day 7 if test is collected on or after Day 5 from the date of last exposure and test is negative.  
Quarantine can end after Day 10 from the date of last exposure without testing,  

If close contacts were not wearing masks or the infected individual was not wearing a mask during the exposure, or if exposure occurred outside of a school setting, exposed students are not eligible for the modified quarantine option.  Quarantine can end after day 7 with a negative test collected on or after day 5 from exposure (return Day 8).

NOTE: If exposed student has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days, they do not need to quarantine unless new symptoms develop. If it has been more than 90 days since a previous positive test, staff should follow quarantine guidance above. 

NOTE: If a school/district does not elect a shortened quarantine (test on or after day 5 and return after day 7)
If parent of exposed student refuses to test, a 10-day quarantine must be completed.  

Exposed to Presumed Positive Case (PPC) 

Send home, instruct to isolate, and recommend testing.  

  • While PPC test result is pending, exposed student must continue home quarantine.  
  • If PPC test is positive, exposed student must follow EXPOSED TO CONFIRMED POSITIVE COVID-19 CASE in the section above.  
  • If PPC test is negative: An exposed student may discontinue quarantine and be cleared to school if staff member continues to be asymptomatic and is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
  • If exposed student becomes symptomatic, please refer to Exposed – Symptomatic- Not Fully Vaccinated section in this document.  

Student must continue to mask while indoors, continue daily self-monitoring for symptoms, and adhere to other non-pharmaceutical interventions through day 14 from last known exposure. 



Testing can be completed at the onset of symptoms. While test is pending continue home isolation.  

Exposed to Confirmed Positive COVID-19 Case 

If new symptoms develop after exposure: send home, instruct to isolate, and recommend testing. Notify School Health Office immediately and share test results. 

  • While exposed student COVID-19 test is pending, they must continue home isolation  
  • If exposed student test is positive: exposed student must continue isolation and follow protocol for POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST.  
  • If exposed student test is negative: exposed student must complete 10-day quarantine from the date of last exposure.
  • If parent of exposed student refuse to test, a 10-day quarantine must be completed.  

If exposed student test negative for COVID-19, student may return to school after the quarantine period is completed only if:  student’s symptoms improve and is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. If student has no symptom improvement, an individualized assessment may be needed for other potential diagnoses (e.g., flu) to determine whether  repeat testing is needed or continued isolation is needed.  

  • NOTE: If exposed student member has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days, student does not need to quarantine unless new symptoms develop. If it has been more than 90 days since a previous positive test, staff should follow quarantine guidance above. 
  • For more information, please refer to “Duration of Quarantine for Unvaccinated Persons” CDPH guidance. Guidance on Isolation and Quarantine for COVID-19 Contact Tracing (

Exposed to Presumed Positive Case (PPC) 

If new symptoms develop after exposure: send home, instruct to isolate, and recommend testing.  

• While PPC test result is pending, they must continue home isolation.  

• If PPC test is positive, exposed student must: follow EXPOSED TO CONFIRMED POSITIVE COVID-19 CASE in the section above. 

• If PPC test is negative: A exposed student may discontinue quarantine and be cleared to return to school if student’s symptoms improve and is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. If student has no symptom improvement, an individualized assessment may be needed from other potential diagnoses (e.g., flu) to  determine whether repeat testing is needed.  

Student must continue to mask while indoors, continue daily self-monitoring for symptoms, and adhere to other non-pharmaceutical interventions through day 14 from last known exposure. 


NO KNOWN EXPOSURE – SYMPTOMATIC – REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS Testing can be completed at the onset of symptoms. While test is pending continue home isolation.  

Send home, instruct to isolate, and recommend testing.  

Notify School Health Office immediately and share test results. 

  • While student COVID-19 test is pending, they must continue home isolation.  
  • If student test is positive: student must continue isolation and follow protocol for POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST. 
  • If student test is negative: Student may be released from isolation and return to school if: COVID-19 test result is negative, and student’s symptoms have improved AND is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications; OR a healthcare provider has provided documentation that the symptoms are typical of their underlying chronic condition; OR a healthcare provider has confirmed an alternative diagnosis; OR at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset.
  • If test result is negative but still symptomatic: Ensure student was tested on or after day 5 from symptom onset. 
  • If test was completed before day 5 from symptom onset, recommend retest on or after day 5 from symptom onset. 
  • If test was completed on or after day 5 from symptom onset, an individualized assessment for other potential diagnosis (e.g., flu) is recommended. 

If parent of student refuses to test, student must remain on home isolation through Day-10 and can return on Day 11 as long as 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms have improved. 


Confirmed COVID-19 Test symptomatic: 

Positive student to remain on home isolation until all conditions are met: 

  • At least 10 days have passed since onset of symptoms and 
  • Resolution of fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and 
  • Improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath; sore throat). 

Encourage student not to retest for at least 90 days (unless known exposure and newly symptomatic) Confirmed COVID-19 Test asymptomatic or the onset of symptoms is unknown: 

  • Remain on home isolation until 10 days have passed since the date of their positive test assuming they have not  subsequently developed symptoms. 
  • Encourage student not to retest for at least 90 days (unless known exposure and symptomatic). 
  • If student develops symptoms during 10-day isolation, they can return to school after the 10-day isolation is completed and student’s symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath; sore throat) improve, and is afebrile for at least 24 hours without the  use of fever reducing medications. 

For more information, please refer to “Duration of Isolation” CDPH guidance. Guidance on Isolation and Quarantine for COVID-19 Contact Tracing (

⮚ Definitions:  

Positive Case: a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. 

Presumptive Positive Case (PPC): a person who has tested for COVID-19 due to an exposure or symptom(s) present.  Close Contact: within 6 feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period 

Exposed: an individual that has had close contact with a Positive Case.  

Isolation: If you have tested POSITIVE for COVID-19, you will need to self-isolate. This means that you will need to stay in a separate room, with no personal contact with others for 10 days. 

Quarantine: If you have been EXPOSED to someone with COVID-19, you will need to self-quarantine. This means you will need to stay at home for 10 days while avoiding contact with other people.  

Modified Quarantine: Students who are exposed in a school setting and both parties were wearing a mask, a student can remain on campus if they continue to mask, remain asymptomatic, undergo twice weekly testing, and are excluded from all extracurricular  activities. 

Shortened Quarantine: student can return to work after Day 7 if a negative diagnostic specimen is collected on or after Day 5 from date of last exposure and student remains asymptomatic 

Fully Vaccinated: individuals who are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19: two weeks or more after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna or vaccine authorized by the World Health Organization), or two weeks  or more after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson [J&J]/Janssen). 

Not Fully Vaccinated: persons who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine but do not meet the definition of fully  vaccinated or persons who have not received any doses of COVID-19 vaccine or whose status is unknown. 

Acceptable Testing for Schools: this includes antigen diagnostic tests, PCR diagnostic tests, and pooled PCR tests*. Diagnostic PCR tests are preferred, but not required.  

*If pooled PCR testing is being used, additional testing procedures must be in place to provide subsequent testing should a positive  result be detected. Please reference CDPH’s School Testing Resources and Considerations for more information on pooled testing. 

Home Testing Kits for Schools: home test kits can be used when completed on a school site by or under the supervision of trained  medical personnel.  

⮚ General Information: 

State of California Safe Schools For All Hub: CA COVID-19 School Readiness Hub 

CDPH school testing resources information: School Testing | California Coronavirus Testing Task Force

Revised On November 16, 2021 

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