Engaging Young Minds for Limitless Futures.
Menifee Union School District
March 11, 2020

For Staff:

The Department of Pesticide Regulation has the requirement for any employee applying a disinfectant to take mandatory training on an annual basis.  Keenan has developed an online training, available through Keenan Safe Schools, that meets the guidelines of the Department of Pesticide Regulation. The name of the course is “Integrated Pest Management” (IPM ) and it is a 60 minute course. Again, the training requirement is for any employee applying a pesticide which is any chemical that kills virus, germs, etc. The employees who use the 710 Disinfectant must complete the Keenan Online Training prior to using the disinfectant.  

Please know this training is designed for ALL pesticides and is not specific to the 710 Disinfectant.  While taking the 60 minute course you may wonder if it is applicable to you - the training is not specific to any one job classification.  

The employees who use these should also review the Disinfecting with 710 video related to best practices for school sanitation and preventing the spread of viruses on school campuses and  review the material safety data sheet (MSDS).  Make sure to wear the latex-free gloves and protective eye wear provided by MUSD when using this product.

The 710 Disinfectant is both a cleaner and disinfectant, therefore you do not need to first clean the desks and then disinfect them as the spray will do both.  Please note you will need to allow the 710 Disinfectant to “sit” for ten (10) mintues before wiping it off the surface. 

Thank you for participating in this voluntary training and assisting the district to limit our exposure to pathogens. 

Please contact me (Ambur Borth) directly should you have any questions or concerns regarding this memo.  I can be reached at ept@menifeeusd.org or 672-1851 x 49120.

(This message was distributed to the Menifee USD community on letterhead and social media on March 11, 2020)

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